MunSci Jailbreakers Robotics Club

Exceeding System Requirements

Tagisang Robotics 2014

MJRC to conquer Tagisang Robotics 2014

Philippine Robotics Olympiad

Finalist of Philippine Robotics Olympiad 2014

MunSci Science Month Celebration

MunSci Jailbreakers together with Saliksik Science Club and Youth for Environment in School Organization organizes this year's MunSci Science Month

Robotics Training

Because success doesn't happen overnight

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Philippine Robotics Olympiad

The Preliminary Rounds of Philippine Robotics Olympiad came and we faced this battle armed with our long hours of training and unity. Team A composed of Jerwin Alvarez, Ryan Velicaria with Patrick Santos as team Leader. Team B composed of Marian Santillan, Edriel Serrano and led by Robert Del Rosario.

With 5 points, Team B made it to the finals. Despite the loss in the finals, everyone enjoyed the two exhilarating days.

The teams promise to make their comeback next year. From this loss, a champion will rise.